08 | 03 | 2020

Was sollten Sie über Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) wissen?

MPLS: The secret sauce behind seamless data transmission | Artikel

Breaking barriers: Understanding the power of MPLS

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a data forwarding technology that increases the speed and controls network traffic flow. With MPLS, data is directed through a path via labels instead of requiring sophisticated lookups in a routing table at every stop.
This technique is scalable, protocol-independent, and works with Internet Protocol (IP) and Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM).
Data entering a traditional IP network moves among network nodes based on long network addresses. With this method, each router on which a data packet lands must decide, based on routing tables, about the packet’s next stop on the network. Conversely, MPLS assigns a label to each packet to send it along a predetermined path.

‘Optimizing Networks: The Power of MPLS Routing’

Wie funktioniert MPLS?

Label Switched Paths (LSPs) sind vorgegebene unidirektionale Pfade zwischen Routerpaaren über ein MPLS-Netzwerk.

  1. Wenn ein Paket über einen Label Edge Router (auch als „Ingress Node“ bezeichnet) in das Netzwerk gelangt, wird es abhängig vom Datentyp und dem beabsichtigten Ziel einer Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) zugewiesen. FECs werden verwendet, um Pakete mit ähnlichen oder identischen Eigenschaften zu identifizieren.
  2. Basierend auf der FEC wendet der Eingangsknoten eine Beschriftung auf das Paket an und kapselt es in einen LSP.
  3. Während sich das Paket durch die „Transitknoten“ des Netzwerks (auch als Label Switch Router bezeichnet) bewegt, leiten diese Router die Daten weiterhin gemäß den Anweisungen auf dem Paketetikett. Diese Zwischenstopps basieren auf dem Paketetikett und nicht auf zusätzlichen IP-Lookups.
  4. Am "Ausgangsknoten" oder am letzten Router am Ende des LSP wird das Etikett entfernt und das Paket über normales IP-Routing zugestellt.

Ein Etikettenstapel besteht aus mindestens vier Teilen:

Beschriftungswert: enthält die Informationen für Router, um zu bestimmen, wohin das Paket als nächstes gehen soll

Verkehrsklassenfeld: Legt die Dienstgütepriorität und die explizite Überlastungsbenachrichtigung fest

Unterseite der Stapelflagge: Gibt das letzte Etikett im Stapel an

Lebenszeit (TTL) Feld: begrenzt die Lebensdauer der Daten oder die Anzahl der Hops, die sie ausführen können, bevor sie verworfen werden

Etiketten können auch gestapelt werden. Das obere Etikett steuert die Paketzustellung. Wenn es sein Ziel erreicht, wird dieses Etikett "geknallt" und das Etikett darunter übernimmt die Richtung.

Essential Guide to MPLS: Basics & Benefits

At its core, MPLS, or Multi-Protocol Label Switching, is a networking technology designed to route data packets across a network efficiently. Here are some MPLS basics:

  1. Etikettenwechsel: Unlike traditional IP routing, which relies on looking up destination IP addresses in routing tables for each packet, MPLS uses labels. These labels are attached to packets, indicating the path they should take through the network.
  2. Label Forwarding: Routers in an MPLS network make forwarding decisions based on the labels rather than the destination IP addresses. This label-switching allows for faster and more efficient packet forwarding.
  3. Etikettenverteilungsprotokoll: MPLS routers exchange label information using a protocol such as LDP (Label Distribution Protocol) or RSVP-TE (Resource Reservation Protocol – Traffic Engineering). This ensures that all routers in the network have the necessary label mappings to forward packets correctly.
  4. Verkehrstechnik: MPLS supports traffic engineering capabilities, enabling network administrators to control traffic flow through the network. This includes prioritising certain types of traffic, establishing Quality of Service (QoS) policies, and optimising network utilization.
  5. Virtuelle private Netzwerke (VPNs): MPLS can be used to create Virtual Private Networks, allowing organizations to securely connect multiple locations or remote users over a shared infrastructure. MPLS VPNs provide high security and privacy by segregating traffic from different customers or departments using labels.
  6. Service-Provider-Netzwerke: MPLS is commonly used in service provider networks to offer services such as Layer 3 VPNs, Layer 2 VPNs, and traffic engineering. It enables service providers to deliver scalable and reliable connectivity services to their customers.
  7. Label Stacking: MPLS supports label stacking, where multiple labels can be added to a packet. This allows for the creation of hierarchical label structures, enabling complex network services and protocols to be implemented.

Overall, MPLS provides a flexible and efficient framework for building and managing networks, offering benefits such as improved performance, scalability, and support for advanced networking features. Understanding these MPLS basics is essential for anyone involved in network design, deployment, or administration.

‘Efficient Routing: The MPLS Advantage’

What to consider for MPLS Network Optimisation?

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) network optimization stands at the forefront of modern networking strategies, offering businesses unparalleled efficiency, reliability, and flexibility in managing their data traffic. At its core, MPLS is a technique for speeding up and shaping network traffic flows, achieved by directing data packets along pre-established paths through the network rather than solely relying on IP routing tables. In the realm of network optimization, MPLS emerges as a cornerstone solution, promising to enhance performance, minimize latency, and ensure the prioritization of critical data streams.

Key to MPLS network optimization is the concept of traffic engineering, wherein network administrators gain granular control over the flow of data packets. By assigning labels to packets and establishing predetermined paths, MPLS enables the creation of traffic patterns tailored to specific application requirements. This fine-tuned approach allows for the prioritization of mission-critical applications, such as voice and video communications, ensuring optimal performance even during periods of high network congestion. Moreover, MPLS facilitates Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms, enabling the allocation of bandwidth according to predefined service level agreements (SLAs) and the seamless integration of diverse traffic types within a unified network infrastructure.

In the pursuit of MPLS network optimization, several considerations come into play. Firstly, meticulous planning is essential to delineate the scope and objectives of optimization efforts. This involves conducting thorough assessments of existing network architecture, identifying performance bottlenecks, and outlining optimization goals aligned with business objectives. Additionally, scalability emerges as a critical factor, with optimization strategies designed to accommodate evolving network demands and future growth. Scalability encompasses not only the expansion of network capacity but also the ability to integrate emerging technologies and adapt to shifting traffic patterns.

Furthermore, comprehensive monitoring and analysis mechanisms are indispensable for ensuring the efficacy of MPLS network optimization initiatives. Real-time monitoring tools provide visibility into network performance metrics, enabling administrators to identify anomalies, troubleshoot issues, and fine-tune optimization parameters as needed. Moreover, ongoing analysis of network traffic patterns and utilization trends empowers organizations to proactively adjust optimization strategies, optimize resource allocation, and preempt potential congestion points.

In scope, MPLS network optimization encompasses a multifaceted approach that spans network design, configuration, monitoring, and continuous refinement. From optimizing routing protocols and traffic prioritization to implementing QoS policies and leveraging advanced traffic management techniques, every aspect of the network ecosystem plays a pivotal role in realizing the full potential of MPLS. By embracing a holistic optimization strategy, organizations can unlock the full benefits of MPLS technology, ranging from enhanced performance and reliability to cost savings and competitive advantage in today’s digital landscape.

Maximizing Network Efficiency with MPLS Routing

MPLS routing efficiency revolutionizes network performance by introducing streamlined packet-forwarding mechanisms. Unlike traditional IP routing, which relies solely on destination IP addresses for packet forwarding decisions, MPLS assigns labels to packets. These labels are used by MPLS-enabled routers to make forwarding decisions, bypassing complex IP lookup processes. This label-switching mechanism significantly reduces packet processing overhead and improves routing efficiency. Moreover, MPLS supports Traffic Engineering (TE) capabilities, allowing network administrators to optimize traffic flows, prioritize critical applications, and dynamically adjust network paths based on real-time conditions. By leveraging MPLS routing efficiency, organizations can enhance network responsiveness, minimize latency, and maximize bandwidth utilization, ultimately delivering a superior user experience and optimizing resource allocation across the network infrastructure.

‘Navigating MPLS: Key Principles & Applications’

MPLS Vor- und Nachteile

MPLS offers benefits such as scalability, performance, better bandwidth utilization, reduced network congestion, and a better end-user experience.

MPLS does not provide encryption, but it is a virtual private network that is partitioned off from the public Internet. Therefore, MPLS is considered a secure transport mode. And it is not vulnerable to denial of service attacks, which might impact pure-IP-based networks.

Conversely, MPLS is a service that must be purchased from a carrier and is far more expensive than sending traffic over the public Internet.

As companies expand into new markets, they may find it challenging to find an MPLS service provider to deliver global coverage. Typically, service providers piece together comprehensive coverage through partnerships with other providers, which can be costly.

Und MPLS wurde in einer Zeit entwickelt, in der Zweigstellen den Datenverkehr an einen Hauptsitz oder ein Rechenzentrum zurückschickten, nicht für die heutige Welt, in der Zweigstellenmitarbeiter direkten Zugriff auf die Cloud wünschen.


SD-WAN: Redefining Wide-Area Networking

In the domain of network architecture, SD-WAN emerges as a transformative alternative, offering unparalleled agility and adaptability. Unlike traditional MPLS networks, which rely on predetermined routes and dedicated circuits, SD-WAN leverages software-defined intelligence to optimize traffic flows across various connectivity options, including commodity broadband links and the Internet.

At its core, SD-WAN represents a paradigm shift in network management, empowering organizations to streamline operations, enhance performance, and reduce costs. By centralizing policy enforcement and management functions, SD-WAN eliminates the need for manual configuration of individual WAN devices, simplifying network administration and enabling rapid deployment of changes.

SD-WAN presents a compelling proposition for organizations prioritizing cost-efficiency and scalability. By harnessing commodity broadband links and cloud-based services, SD-WAN delivers cost savings compared to traditional MPLS networks. Moreover, SD-WAN offers increased bandwidth capacity, enabling organizations to meet the growing demands of bandwidth-intensive applications and multimedia content.

Additionally, SD-WAN delivers optimal performance and reliability, particularly for non-real-time applications and cloud-hosted services. By dynamically steering traffic based on application priorities and network conditions, SD-WAN ensures efficient utilization of available resources and minimizes latency, resulting in a superior user experience.

Furthermore, SD-WAN proves advantageous for organizations with distributed or international operations, providing consistent performance and uptime across small, remote, or geographically dispersed sites. With SD-WAN, provisioning and rollout are accelerated, enabling organizations to adapt quickly to evolving business requirements and market dynamics.

In essence, SD-WAN represents a strategic evolution in wide-area networking, offering a flexible and cost-effective solution for organizations seeking to optimize their network infrastructure, improve agility, and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth.


MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) stands as a cornerstone technology in modern networking, offering a versatile and efficient framework for data routing and management. With its innovative approach to packet forwarding, MPLS streamlines network operations, enhances performance and enables the delivery of advanced networking services. From optimizing traffic flows and prioritizing critical applications to supporting virtual private networks and traffic engineering, MPLS empowers organizations to meet the evolving demands of today’s digital landscape with confidence and efficiency. As businesses embrace digital transformation and expand their network infrastructure, MPLS remains a trusted solution, providing the scalability, reliability, and flexibility needed to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and deliver exceptional user experiences. In essence, MPLS represents not just a technology but a catalyst for connectivity, enabling organizations to navigate the complexities of modern networking with agility, resilience, and unparalleled efficiency.


MPLS - Die Grundlagen des Label Switching



‘In the world of networking, MPLS data routing is the silent hero, seamlessly directing traffic with precision and agility, ensuring every packet reaches its destination with unparalleled reliability.’

– Erkenntnisse verbunden



MPLS Technology | MPLS Network Optimisation | Understanding MPLS | Multi-Protocol Label Switching Basics | MPLS Benefits | MPLS Routing Efficiency | MPLS Network Architecture



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